In the begining I didnt know how exactly the stitch was supposed to look like. Time passed and eventually I learned, with some advice here and there, but mainly by following an embroidery booklet my Oma gave me.

Some of my dear friends are having babies... for some weird reason all are comming out of the oven on June!! So I'm quite busy now with baby thingies which by the way I looove doing (this sounds funny and might be misunderstood by some, I knooow I can see your smile from here).
Done some stuff before, 3 baby blankets with cross-stich and needlework designs all around the border and a couple of granny's blocks afghans. Hope I can get some photos from these and post them here.
For Rosita and Adolfo I finished last week a baby blanket, a pair of booties and a lamb. Thaaat afghan took me a loooooot of time. I should tell you, so I will..jejeje... my mom has this huge collection of crochet magazines (Mon tricot, now called a vintage magazine LOL) from old times when she crocheted like crazy. Hence I dont buy magazines for baby designs, I've got plenty to lure within... found a pattern that promised to be easy and crochetable while in the subway ( yeaaah I stitch in there, why not) Went to the store, bought some pretty yarn and started. Double crochet...again and again..and again the whole blanket is made with double it is worked like an overgrown granny's block and Im not very experienced, made me prone to skipping stitches every now and then....soooo I had to count and count to fix it many times (sic). Still I love how it turned out.Nooooo its miiine, my treasure, my precious treasure..eventually I girt-wrapped it.
The booties were quite easy to crochet and to fall in love with, they look so cute. Did I mention all I had crocheted before these projects were scarfs and afghans? ergo this was a new experience..jajaja I used ballet slippers pattern from e-Patterncentral and modified it a bit. Where I bought the buttons, the salegirls (who are very nice to me) made my day with an "oooh looooook!" ;-p Here's the result. Crocheted a pair for each baby.
And at last but not least, my lamb..mmm actually theirs. For this sweetie I used a Lion Brand pattern but changed to Red Heart yarn. Yep, had to make “slight” changes, cause of this and cause I wanted the legs bigger. Took out some scrap yarn I had and transformed it into flowers ( pattern) It turned out just fine I guess; at least I liked it and Rosita and Adolfo did too so, that's moooore than enough.